Instructional Development Institute


The UW-绿湾 Instructional Development Institute is held each January and hosted by the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and LearningInstructional Development Council. This completely virtual conference features a series of synchronous and asynchronous workshops and presentations exploring teaching & learning practices, pedagogical issues, specific challenges in instruction, high-impact practices, 和更多的. 

Information regarding applications, 登记, details about the conference will be communicated through our blog, 的. You can find blog updates for the 2024 Instructional Development Institute below: 


Instructional Development Institute 

January 9, 2024: Thriving in Higher Education

Higher education has witnessed substantial challenges in recent years. Instructors and students faced COVID-19, the ensuing dramatic shift to pandemic pedagogy, all that came with it. Institutions confronted budget, 招生, political pressures, 和y are now grappling with emerging generative AI technologies 和ir potential transforming impact on education 和 world of work. Amid such disruption, it can be easy to approach work with a mentality of survival. This year’s Instructional Development Institute instead challenges you to consider what it would mean not simply to survive, but to thrive in higher education. While there are no easy answers, we can work together as educators to set goals, support one another, surmount obstacles, achieve at a high level, similar to the expectations we have for our students. Join your colleagues and keynote speaker Dr. 凯文•甘农, author of the book 激进的希望, as we reflect on ways to thrive as educators and help students to do the same.


We are very excited to announce that the keynote speaker for the 2024 Instructional Development Institute is Dr. 凯文•甘农.
凯文•甘农 is Director of the Center for the Advancement of 教师 Excellence (CAFÉ) and Professor of History at Queens University of Charlotte, in North Carolina. He is the author of 激进的希望: A Teaching Manifesto (West Virginia University Press, 2020), his writing has also appeared in The Chronicle of Higher Education, Vox, 美国有线电视新闻网, The Washington Post. In 2016, he appeared in the Oscar-nominated documentary 13th, directed by Ava DuVernay. He is currently working on a project centered around reimagining introductory and survey courses in higher education.